FactoryTalk Analytics for Devices 1.9 Released

Push Notifications

You asked for it, and we built it into the new 1.9 update! In close collaboration with our TeamONE engineers, we are proud to announce Push Notifications from your Shelby to the TeamONE mobile app. Simply allow your appliance to enroll in notifications and let your devices talk to you!

Shelby Profiles

We have added support for the Dual Axis Kinetix Drives complete with a device display for common parameters and tabs for KPIs per axis.
Enet enabled devices will now show an available speed value in a value box.

Device Initialization

During the Shelby boot up sequence and device initialization, we now show a more accurate “Unknown” state until all of the data points have been evaluated reserving the “Offline” state for devices that were previously monitored and are now in an Offline state.

Streamlined Sync Service

Are you renewing your Shelby subscription? Whether connected to the internet or air-gapped, we have now made it easier to get your new license. Simply leave your Shelby connected to the internet to automatically sync your latest license or use the manual update process to get an update package and license. You no longer need to select the ‘Re-Sync My License Subscription’ checkbox!